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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Introducing Michael McCarty Grohs

He was certainly due to arrive on June 1 because at 4:15 that morning, my water broke and our well designed plan was put into overdrive. In the end, it changed nothing because my contractions weren't bad and we decided that if I could wait, the c-section would proceed at 9 a.m. as planned. And so it did. After the spinal and prep(which was incidentally, much worse than I remember) the doctors let Ryan and my Mom into the room and began. Michael arrived at 9:18 a.m., weighing a svelte 8 lbs., 10 oz., and measuring 21 1/2 inches long (they measured 20 1/2 initially). He is as dark as his big sister was and though they certainly have similarities, he is his own person with narrower features, blue eyes and incredibly long fingers and toes.

During pregnancy, I was concerned that I couldn't love a second child as much as I love Elena. It's safe to say that concern ended the moment he entered the world. He is a bundle of precious, sweet heaven and he is loved a million times over.
And speaking of Elena, she is a proud big sister who loves to hold and kiss her baby brother. The week has been a rush of excitement and spoiling for her with presents and Grandma and Papa Grohs visiting, so we'll see what next week brings, but I think we're all going to be very happy as a family of four.
More will come later, but in the name of updating the blog, this will have to do for now. We are quite simply, happy, exhausted and complete.


Melissa said...

Awww..this made me teary. So precious. Your family is gorgeous and wonderful. Oh, and what do you mean by "worse than you remember?" Please don't freak me out. I have 24 days until mine! HA.

Justin said...

Wow! Congratulations! I can't believe how big he is!