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Friday, July 29, 2011

Catching up is Grohs

My blogging days are still beloved, but admittedly, less frequent than they once were. Elena will start Kindergarten on August 10th and has Mrs. Boggini. She's very excited and eager to start the school year again. Though Kindergarten is such a big deal, I think my tears last year felt like the beginning and I'm less sad to see my baby start this big milestone. She's such a sweet girl and impressed everyone on our Bend trip, by riding her bike miles upon miles with little trouble. She's also becoming a nice little swimmer with more time in the pool this year. Elena really uses bigger words and sentences (even thoughts) than some kids and though she gets it right most of the time, the occasional sentence can cause a lot of laughter. (i.e. On vacation when she said, "Dad, how come Mom is carrying everything and all you have is your beer?" Or, "Mom, am I too adjusted?" (congested).)

She's a ham. And she just folded all the laundry. Blessed, brilliant, child.

And there's Buck. What a sponge that kid is these days. He is singing his ABCs (kind of) and gets to LMNO....(elllemanzo) P before he stops without help. He's huge, of course, and copies everything Elena does. His mannerisms are even hers. Yesterday he told me to "Wait" and he no longer says, "mmm" for yes, but actually says, "Yes or uh-hum." I'd love to upload videos of these acts, but I can't get my phone to do that now. Darn thing. We are close to potty-training, taking the pacifier and putting him in his big boy bed, but not today. Today he is still my baby in diapers with his "assey" and his crib.

Love these kids.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Happy Birthday, Papa.

Our trip to Bend for Papa's 60th may be over, but the pictures say it all. It was a lovely trip with lots to do and enjoy. The memories made make Papa's 60th a total success, I'd say.