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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Just ducky

Grandma Ann visited this weekend and there was a lot to show her.... Here are some of the sweet memories and fun.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Grin and bear it

And that's just what Elena did on her first dental appointment today. Kind of. She loved it, hated it and when all was said and done... she survived. Truthfully, she couldn't really decide. She loved so many things -- from the the coolest waiting room ever (complete with toy kitchen, bean bags and baskets full of toys and books) and the exam room that had movies on the ceiling (for when the dental chairs tip back) to the strawberry-flavored dentist gloves and special sunglasses.

She still wasn't totally keen on the 'teeth counting' (aka exam) or 'tooth-painting' (aka flouride), but she endured. She was rewarded with a new toothbrush, dental floss, three stickers, a toy from the treasure chest and a BOX of tooth care suggestions for Mommy to read. Her dentist specializes in pediatric dentisty exclusively. As if is there were doubt based on THAT description. :)

In all, it was very sweet and Elena did a good job. She's a little skittish because of her doctor appointment history, but I was very proud of her. So proud in fact, that I snapped photos in the dentist office. (Oh, she's one of THOSE moms)

Now we have to look forward to the first cleaning in six months. (Hail Mary, full of Grace)

Monday, April 14, 2008

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Yes, I don't know, right now

Elena speaks like a four year old and has become awfully handy and independent these days, putting her own dirty clothes away, making her own clothing decisions (ugh :)), getting her own water and spoon or fork at meal time and forever telling us, "Yes," "I don't know" or "Right now."

She is also very good at putting people and things in time out (Mommy, Daddy, her babies, even the wall {for "hitting her" after she runs into it, of course}). The kid has imagination.

We spend a lot of time just watching her talk to herself in the mirror or play pretend. Right now, she is doing pretend 'circle time' on the grass with Caillou and other various imaginary playmates. It's nothing short of precious. I honestly enjoy little more than watching her entertain herself and repeat things she has heard.

She's turning into such a little lady.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Too far, too much, too high

Glamming it up
Planting flowers in the back yard
Feeding the fish at Nimbus Fish Hatchery
I can't think of much to say today except this....
Elena is the first to tell you when something is TOO anything for her and though it makes sense most of the time, the occasional misplaced 'too' makes her mastery of excess awfully funny and maybe a little humbling ("Mama too heavy." Yes, yes, I know.)