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Monday, June 8, 2009

A week young

Our little man is a week old and our family of four couldn't be happier. The first week has been a rush of emotion, fatigue and giggles -- Elena may have projectile pooped on us, but Michael has the 'peeing on us thing' nailed. We still haven't mastered the art of keeping that crazy hose from squirting us, but we're sure getting accustomed to life with an infant again.
Elena is such a great big sister with arms wide open for her baby brother and a helpful hand ready to get diapers, burp cloths or whatever we need.
Michael weighed in at 9lbs., 3 oz., today and was cleared of all signs of jaundice. While that's great, it meant his circumsion day had come and to be honest, that was beyond awful. Ryan stayed, but I could not. The very visible signs of the procedure are enough for me. But my boys were troopers and are both recovering.
That's all for now, as I am a tired Mommy... of the world's best kids.

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