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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Dinner bell

Our routine for dinner has been a little comical as of late. The pad we ordered for the dining room table won't arrive for awhile and our lovely table is getting thrashed in the meantime, so in an effort to preserve it, I've been serving dinner FOR ALL OF US at Elena's little pink table. It's quite pathetic really and more often than not lately, I serve Daddy and Elena while I stand or sit on her stepstool next to them. It makes us giggle. We either need that pad soon or need to invest in a kitchen table. Our family is getting bigger and Elena's pink table just won't do. It's quite the joke around here for now.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Holiday hick

So I'm tardy getting up some holiday photos, but I have good reason. I didn't bring my camera anywhere for Christmas and all I have are photos at home. But I think since January is almost over, it's time regardless. Elena's excitement and surprise that morning was precious, especially the amazement at Santa and the reindeer having eaten the cookies she so lovingly prepared for them. She was also very excited to open gifts (and her requested piano), but I think the bulk of the joy was just coming out that morning to see
the tree peppered with bows and pretty paper.
(She wanted to know why they didn't eat EVERYTHING)
Oh and as an aside because it's cute... My favorite Elena comment lately is this. "Mommy, sometimes you call me Lala. That's my hickname."
God bless that kid's brain.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Snow angels

What a fun Tahoe weekend we had with kids and friends. Our resolution for 2009?

Do more of this!

The Miskits

The Brainerds

The Greens

The Forsbergs

The boys


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Elena-ism # 234

Elena asked me, "Mommy, what's dead?" And I explained the concept again the best I could, which led to her to the next question (clearly illustrating that I didn't explain well), "Am I dead?"

"No honey, you're alive. Your heart is beating."

She woke up the next morning and the first thing she said was, "Mom, I know I'm alive because my heart is beeping."
She's been reminding us of this ever since.
Be still my beeping heart.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Tutu cute

Elena started ballet today. I think she's found her calling.