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Sunday, July 11, 2010

The choc hits the fan

Elena is newly coiffed again with a shorter haircut than ever before and a proud grin to match. Michael got his locks trimmed too, but the spoonful of chocolate lava cake (yes, this is just a spoonful) was much higher on his priority list. Our busy weekend is now over with one Mommy's best friends, Jaime's, baby shower, topping the list of excitement. We've planned it for months and today's success made everyone, namely Jaime, very happy. Ryan and the kids stayed home for that one, but we reconvened as a family in the neighbor's pool this afternoon. Taking care of her cat certainly has its rewards and Elena is now proving herself an accomplished (kind of) swimmer again this season.

Michael's feeling much better and is back to his jovial old self. He's even spent the last hour chasing Elena from the family room to living room, laughing and giving himself the hiccups. Elena's simply thrilled with her extraordinary ability to elicit that type of belly laugh from her young admirer. Another weekend is almost just a memory. I think we'll all sleep well tonight....

Oh and because I just want this documented somewhere so I never forget... I officially stopped nursing Michael today. We held on for so long, because neither of us were ready, but today we are. I think. It's been tough to let it go, but it's time I think. My sweet boy, I loved that time... I loved it with your sister too. I guess that stage of our lives are over (snif).

1 comment:

Justin said...

Did Michael eat any of that cake?