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Sunday, February 7, 2010

It's two Grohs in the tub

We're getting Grohs in the tub these days with our little monkeys bathing together. Elena couldn't be happier to have her favorite playmate with her and Michael just can't get enough of his big sister's smiles and giggles. He thinks she is fantastic with all her fancy moves and fast pace. We've been getting back to normal around here with Michael sleeping terribly and making me completely crazy. The hint of top teeth are poking through and one new one on the bottom this morning too, so I'm hopeful there will be improvements soon. He eats anything we put in front of him and has had eggs, toast, mango and even a little ahi lately. Elena is working on cutting with scissors and is really trying to improve. We've heard that it's more difficult because she's a lefty. She made some beautiful Valentine cards and wrote her name on the envelopes. She isn't incredibly skilled at it yet, but she tries hard and we think it's very cute. The results are below... She is: Elema, Elea, ElenA. One thing's for sure, our Elma's got a lot of love in her heart.

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