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Sunday, October 4, 2009

"Four" Goodness Sake

Sweet Elena turned four years old today... Where has the time gone? We celebrated the day with nothing but the finest, starting the day with a new bike (Daddy found an amazing bike at Goodwill and fixed it up. Not because we didn't want to fork out $50 bucks for a new one, but because this one is SO cool and it was fun for Ryan to do. What a good Daddy!) and chocolate chip pancakes. After some good playtime this morning, we readied ourselves for Elena's Petting Zoo birthday party at the Ol' Farm House where she adopted her goat, Beatrice. She had a grand old time there and fell in love with another animal... Brown Bear, the guinea pig (Uh oh). We're all very happy and extremely tired. I'd say the day is a total success. Happy Birthday, my La. I love you more than words can ever say. Thank you for making me a Mom four years ago.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Your posts are so sappy and you make me want to cry. I'm glad Elena made you a Mommy too.