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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Elena-ism #286

Our sweet child is learning what's what and sometimes mixes up her vocabulary words. And sometimes she nails it to a point where I think her insight is that of an adult. Some examples?

  • The other morning she put her socks on and immediately announced them to be 'too healthy' --- Mix-up

  • If Elena walks in on a serious conversation (i.e. a recent one about the annoyance of our mortgage and the slightly extreme fluctuation the taxes have caused {in our monthly payment} since we moved in), she will examine my face and say, "Mommy, you don't have happy eyes right now." -- Insight of an adult. (But can she fix the county tax department?)

We are working on letters/reading/writing these days and we've taken to putting post-it notes on items throughout the house, spelling out the item (i.e. chair, table, etc.). She likes to read the letters in the word and tries to copy them (the key word here is TRIES. The letters don't look like too much yet). She even noticed that "table" had an, "A, L, and an E" like in her name. It's awfully fun to watch this learning process and it makes us a little teary, because it's just so clear -- the kid is growing up.

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