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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Splish splash, I have rules for my bath.

Elena enjoys a bath. She enjoys a bath as long as she doesn't have to have her hair washed, as long as someone bathes with her, as long as Daddy doesn't rinse her hair and as long as nobody combs her hair after. Terrible TWOS? Whatever. This three (and a half) age can be brutal, baby.

And it doesn't end with bath time. No sir. We have hissy fits at dinner (unless the meal happens to be macaroni and cheese), tantrums for gum, lipstick (chapstick), candy and whatever the day's desires may be. Bedtime also remains a challenge with Elena's 'princess bed' next to ours getting plenty of use. She makes whining an art form and peeing her pants a new habit (hello, regression). She is downright exhausting and at the end of the day, Mommy misses wine.

But she remains one of the sweetest children alive, full of kisses and efforts to make us happy and proud. Her preschool teacher (Ms. Debbie) told us that she is one of the most compassionate children she's come across and that it reflects how we are at home. Elena really does have a very big heart and expresses her concern for others all the time, making sure that everyone around her is happy. Though we are challenged by her every day, we are also rewarded with cuddles and hugs and 'funny as hell' things that come out of her mouth.

As I write this, she just pounded out of her room shouting that, "I took off all my clothes for the bath, Mommy and I DIDN'T argue!" Her announcement was followed by a big open-armed hug, a pause for congratulations and a look (similar to this photo) of pure delight in her accomplishment.

Three and a half ain't so bad.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Elena-ism #286

Our sweet child is learning what's what and sometimes mixes up her vocabulary words. And sometimes she nails it to a point where I think her insight is that of an adult. Some examples?

  • The other morning she put her socks on and immediately announced them to be 'too healthy' --- Mix-up

  • If Elena walks in on a serious conversation (i.e. a recent one about the annoyance of our mortgage and the slightly extreme fluctuation the taxes have caused {in our monthly payment} since we moved in), she will examine my face and say, "Mommy, you don't have happy eyes right now." -- Insight of an adult. (But can she fix the county tax department?)

We are working on letters/reading/writing these days and we've taken to putting post-it notes on items throughout the house, spelling out the item (i.e. chair, table, etc.). She likes to read the letters in the word and tries to copy them (the key word here is TRIES. The letters don't look like too much yet). She even noticed that "table" had an, "A, L, and an E" like in her name. It's awfully fun to watch this learning process and it makes us a little teary, because it's just so clear -- the kid is growing up.

Monday, March 16, 2009


I had a follow-up ultrasound today to be certain a couple of minor issues were cleared up (and they were), so we were expecting a fairly routine visit. We were wrong. The baby is measuring larger than expected by a week and a half (more than it says on this photo) and by everything we've been reading, by more than 1 pound. They estimate he is about 3 lbs. 3 oz. today. I KNEW this was a big kid, but come on...
The theories? Either he's just a big kid or the due date is off and I'm still farther along than they thought. Maybe they'll think he should come out a little earlier and if it's safe and healthy, I'm all for it.
To top it off, they did a 3D shot because he was in a good position. The photos are always tough to see clearly (and slightly creepy), but this is his little face and he is sucking his finger (awww). It just made it all the more real for us and awfully fun.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Elena explores

After all these years, the Exploratorium is still the place to be. What a fun spot for all of us and even though Elena is still fighting a double ear infection, she explored the heck out of that Exploratorium with all the energy of her three (and almost a half) years. The trip, I'll admit, was a tad rough. We walked in the wind yesterday for an hour before we realized that Fisherman's Wharf was just too far to walk. We eventually caught a trolley but I'll tell ya', the state of us was something to be seen. The Pier was PACKED and the only restaurant available was possibly the worst food we've ever eaten. It was so bad in fact that it caused fits of hysterical laughter. Elena was wise and ate nothing - turns out her fever had come back and she was just feeling crummy. She did rally for a few minutes when we entered The Candy Baron for saltwater taffy.
Oh and I rear-ended the car in front of us on the way back. It's funny, though. It still felt like an awfully nice weekend away. Either we need to get out more or we just like being together. I choose the latter.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Seven months

By this week (3/16/09), your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of his head to his heels. He can blink his eyes, which now sport lashes. With his eyesight developing, he may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. He's also developing billions of neurons in his brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.
Me too, kiddo, me too.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday, Sunday

Another lovely Sunday is being had in the Hills, although Elena is just slightly under the weather (again). I'm off to get a pedicure with the girls in a bit, but had enough time to update my precious blog.
So after a nice weekend of golfing/biking for Daddy, good family time and more readying for the baby, it is nap time and all is quiet for a bit. I anticipate the already limited silence in our home is going to be even more acute soon. When we were stocking the baby's room this morning (with Daddy assembling the closet doo-dads), I was amazed at all the stuff we'd forgotten about and resurrected/purchased (the Bjorn, the monitor next to our bed and the teeny little diapers so small, they are scary). It's exciting, exhausting and altogether overwhelming when I look ahead (fewer than three months) and see our sleep-deprived lives. I know it'll get easier with time and just work itself out, but for now I'm allowing myself a little panic. Elena is SO excited and eager to meet her baby brother. She is very gentle with my tummy, rubbing Vitamin E on it, talking to him through my belly button and laying sweet kisses on this ever-expanding tum (which is incidentally, MUCH larger than last time. This kid never stops moving either.... UH OH). She's going to be a great big sister and we're hopeful that she won't be too jealous of the shared spotlight.

So with that, I'm off to get my feet rubbed and enjoy a little more downtime before the frenetic pace of the week starts tomorrow morning. We ought to have fun photos to share next weekend because we planned a family getaway to San Francisco, where we will spend the days in Golden Gate park, on Pier 39 and at the new Planetarium (is it bad that despite the fun-filled plans, I just can't stop thinking about the saltwater taffy?).

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Rain, rain, come again.


We'd hoped to spend the morning on a nature walk with a picnic to follow, but silly Mommy forgot about the rainy forecast. So Plan B was quickly put into effect beginning at the crack of dawn. Elena and I woke this morning and began making that Jessica Seinfeld potato soup (with veggie purees). This occupied many of the wee hours, but when Daddy got up he remembered that we talked about blueberry muffins. He and Elena were relentless in their pursuit, so blueberry muffins quickly overtook the smells of potato soup (which by the way, is incredibly good). Daddy bathed Elena and I walked the hill (Yes, in the rain. I'm hard core).

When we were settled, it was all of 10:00 a.m. and we wondered what to do with a day homebound. Daddy thought of "Freeze Dance" where we all dance and freeze when the music pauses. Stroke of genius, I tell you. Elena loved it and was videotaped during much of it. We've since learned about Mommy's karakoe machine (aka Coke-e-okee), cleaned the baby's closet, eaten the aforementioned soup and have now nestled in to watch "Barbie and the Diamond Castle." All in all, it's been a lovely day that's not yet over. God bless this rainy day.

During a typical day with Elena, one should expect to hear the following things:

  • What are we doing in the morning? (No matter what time it is, the kid wants to know what's going on the next morning. We're working on enjoying the moment.)

  • I need some lipstick (aka chapstick, lip gloss)

  • Can I have a snack, please?

  • Pretend I'm a little baby. Pretend I'm a doggy. Pretend this is a rocket ship. Pretend. Pretend. Pretend. Elena loves to make believe and include us in all her fairy tales.