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Monday, January 2, 2012

Days of our lives

The holidays gone by are always sad and relieving at the same babies are getting so darn big. When asked a question about, well, aything (i.e. Buddy, do you want a kiss?), Michael will almost always respond with "tomorrow."

He wanders in every evening around 9:30 or 10 p.m., carrying an array of items and looking very sleepy with his hair standing straight up, wanting to get in our bed. He is also keenly obsessed with his sister, "Yaya," his monkme, my hair (Yes, still. "Mom, I play yo hair?") and is counting to 10 (sometimes 20), knows his ABCs, is great at puzzles, shapes and colors.

Ms. Elena is a Daisy scout and is selling Girl Scout cookies for the very first time. She is incredibly good at it and before they've even gone on sale, I think she's sold 35 boxes. It's cute and she's proud of her sales techniques. She is also getting so good at reading. I want to videotape her learning, as it will go so quickly. She can sound things out and knows about 50-100 words just by sight now.

Yes, life goes on and my babies, they are a'growin'.

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