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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Da' Kids

Oh, it feels like an eternity since I've had the time to really sit down and write about the kids. Michael is almost a year old and is 'talking' up a storm with a lot of nonsense and repetition. He's got "no, no" and "uh-oh" down and is waving bye-bye and hi with some prompting. He can also hold up his fingers to make a '1 and 2' and will sometimes repeat, 'TWO' with energy and a very high-pitched tone. He actually has a deep little voice, but can reach some crazy octaves. Last week, when I took him in for what turned out to be his third ear infection (ugh), he weighed in at 25.7 lbs., but in his defense, this was the one time they didn't make him undress and de-diaper, so I think the clothes and wet diaper had to add at least a half pound (if not more). We'll see for sure at his one-year well child appointment. He's nowhere close to walking and seems completely content moving on all fours at his own pace. He HAS started standing up by himself and has held it a little more than 60 seconds, so we think that's uber impressive. He remains a very happy and easy going kid who loves being held and close to Mommy. It's nice that he's taking the steps a little more slowly than his sister because he is indeed IT for us, so it's nice to enjoy his being a baby for longer. Oh and he also got his first professional haircut yesterday and was an angel, never crying and holding completely still in my hands for the cut. We think he looks like such a little boy now. Our sweet Michael.

Elena finished Preschool last week and is enrolled for Jr. Kindergarten at her school now (Elena is shown here singing to me at the Mother's Day show, that I can't believe I haven't mentioned. It was a very emotional, very sweet day for us that I'll remember forever). They announced this new class just a couple weeks ago and we are thrilled with the option. Truthfully, it would've saved some serious soul-searching had they told us earlier, but we're happy nonetheless. The plan, should all go well, is that she goes to Jr. K on the same schedule as the Kindergarten class, then goes to Kindergarten next year. It's seems like the perfect solution and I'm hoping all goes well. She's pictured below modeling her new clothes from our good friend, Joann's daughter. These are the nicest hand-me-downs to date (She now has Joe's, Sevens and True Religion... nicer denim than I own) and we LOVE hand-me-downs (Thanks, Missy...).

1 comment:

Our Family said...

Those clothes make La look so grown up! Such a little girl...aye!