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Monday, September 21, 2009

Go, Michael!

Big news...Michael rolled over today! He tried for a good 20 minutes and with a final, "Go Michael!" he did it. He rolled from his back to his tummy and following this giant accomplishment, he slept.

My sweet baby...

We had a very big weekend since Daddy and Uncle Corey were gone at Corey's bachelor party all weekend. We packed the days with entertainment, including s'mores and sleeping bags in the living room, followed by a 3D movie in the park the next night. Elena and I even slept together those nights to keep each other company. My goal was to have some fun bonding time and wear them out. I think I succeeded, as the picture below illustrates. I think this is my favorite brotherly-sisterly photo to date.
Daddy and Corey (and company) arrived home yesterday a little worse for the wear, but with lots of stories to tell and lots more I'm sure we'll never hear. They had a great time and "Uncy C" enjoyed meeting Michael and seeing Elena. He even played with her until he went to the airport, which was very sweet, considering his sleepless weekend. She loved seeing him and we eagerly await the wedding in a couple of weeks.

Though I'm still mostly working from home, I am slowly re-engaging in work and because Keri is heading out on maternity leave, I will take on more than usual. I remain very sad to leave my kids for any amount of time and a little anxious about the workload and balancing. This sweet family is my life and the thought of missing any firsts (or seconds, thirds...) is heartbreaking. But for now, I'll head off to bed and dream about their faces when we're all together.

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