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Friday, July 10, 2009

La and the Bug

Oh, how we love these kids...

A quick update - Michael is holding his head up when he's on his tummy - he's a brut at more than 12 lbs. He's also starting to smile, respond to us and follow our movements. He's awake more during the day and seems to enjoy our voices. Our little love. I can't get enough of sniffing and kissing him. And as much as I'm absolutely exhausted (because he doesn't sleep well on his back in the crib these days), I can't get enough of holding him and peering at his sweet face.
And Elena is forever imaginative. One of her favorite things to do is to make up names for her pretend people and babies. The weird thing is that they actually sound like real names - strange names, but real. "My dolly's name is Marikova." "The bus driver is Salifenda." "This potion comes from the land of Lakamola."
My personal favorite is when she and I play "spa" and we slather one another with lotion and scrubs in the tub (note my selfish gains from this game) and I tell her that the foot lotion comes from the 'Jungles of Footadoo.' Elena comes back with one better every time..."This foot lotion is special from the jungles of Footacrummy."
Always good for a laugh, that one!
p.s. This just in... I was driving with Elena this morning and she said, "Mom, my kids' Dad's name is Mauson (pronounced Mouse-un) but his nickname is Michael Jackson. He died, but he's in heaven in our hearts."

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