Elena LOVED the Fourth of July, namely the fireworks. It was actually her first time seeing them as she's never stayed awake long enough. This year, we had such an action packed day at the bike races, seeing the movie, "Up" and hanging with some of our closest friends at their barbeque celebration, she was full of energy (and sugar). Though she collapsed on our way home last night and slept until almost 8 a.m. this morning (UNHEARD of for her), I think it was well worth the exhaustion. Her giggles and shrieks at the 'rainbows' were well worth it.
I think Michael enjoyed himself too - he jumped a little at the finale. Gas? You be the judge.
We tried to explain the meaning of Independence Day to Elena, but it got lost a little in the translation. Ryan and I got caught up in trying to figure out how the UK governmental system works (tangent) and when we told Elena that the 4th was in honor of our independence from England, she asked what England was and though our explanation was as good as we know how, it didn't take. We ended up simply saying that the 4th of July was America's birthday. THAT, she liked. And then asked if there would be cake.
Happy Birthday, America!