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Monday, February 2, 2009

Lady Emmen

We have a new child in our lives and it isn't the baby we're expecting. Her name is Emmen and she seems to be visible to only Elena. She is very small, has yellow black hair and doesn't much care for naps. That Emmen.

We've had a sick little girl lately who has kept us up with coughing fits and water requests, but she's been a trooper and was very excited to re-join society this weekend with some ballet, a birthday party and a Superbowl party at our house. Her favorite friends attended, there was plenty of bad food and people with whom to chatter. She was only momentarily dismayed (to say the least) when Daddy and his buddies yelled at the TV... I don't think she knew what to think of that.
Here are a couple (very poor quality Blackberry) shots of Elena as she slept, open-mouthed and trying to breathe through her sniffles. The other is of Daddy and Elena working out. As you can see, Elena provides the resistance.

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