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Monday, July 28, 2008

My buddy

Dana is one of Mommy's closest friends... This is her daughter, Olivia (who has made several appearances on this blog) with Lala at Livi's 3rd birthday party. Too cute.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Our little stinker is very full of spunk, sass, sweetness and silliness. Case(s) in point.

  • She walks around with a water bottle and calls it her sister. "Don't touch my sister, please." (Huh? We've never even talked about having more kids in front of her. Very peculiar and cute).

  • She loves to cuddle and tonight when we were reading her stories and it was 'Daddy's turn' to read his book (We each read one), I lay my head on her lap to be silly. She patted my head and when I tried to lift it up, she pushed it back and said, "It's okay, Mama. You put your head there. Ni-night."

  • She's very quick to tell you when she's angry with a "You make me mad," a quick wag of her finger and a 'pfff' of her mouth.

  • She pretends a lot. From making us dinner to pretending to be a baby or a doggy, she's got the imagination thing down.
Here are a couple cute shots of our Sunday after taking a nature walk (pictured here eating lunch and wearing Daddy's cap) and before bed (hanging upside down) with a head full of curls.

Straight Talk

Monday, July 21, 2008

Baby Love

Elena loves her babies very much and is quick to tell us that SHE is their Mommy because "she's getting bigger." (You sure, are Lala.) She is also very interested in good manners and even has a 'Good Habits Chart' with dials to turn and stickers for every good deed she does.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Happy "BirtDAY" to Daddy

Daddy turned 31 yesterday and Elena was MORE than happy to help him celebate and eat cake. She felt it only right that she entertain Daddy throughout the day. As long as there was cake.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Easy Rider

Well, nearly nine months after we got Elena her pink Roadster Schwinn, she finally showed signs of wanting to ride it. Go Lala, go Lala.

She just got on and started pedaling. It floored us because after hours of pushing her on it and trying to show her how with little or no interest, she did it. Granted, she's better at backward pedaling, but she can go a good six turns of the pedal now. Hallelujah! I sure hope potty training catches on the same way soon.