Claire Huxtable, I ain't.
Elena has been really sick with her umpteenth 'virus' that can be helped by no medicine, save Motrin and Tylenol. We're on day four of fever, runny nose and cough, but her once 104.3 temperature has fallen significantly, so I'm hopeful that we're on the up-swing.
Saturday was fun. At one point, I had barf on my shirt and poop on my hands and of course, hadn't showered in more than 24 hours. Quite the looker. The glamour, oh the glamour.
And of course the worst part was that my sweet girl was just miserable as she rarely is even in times of sickness. But this fever really got her and we spent much of each day watching Shrek and Cinderella. Funny combination, but she loved them both. She also took turns putting Daddy and Mommy to sleep. A pat on the back, milk, a blankie ('D'), a pillow and a smoothing of our hair made the process complete. It really just doesn't get any sweeter than that.
Here's a photo of Elena during the weekend-0-barf. The popsicles and popcorn seemed to be the only appealing thing....