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Friday, September 28, 2007

Terrible (Almost) Twos

We've been waiting and (gulp) I guess it's safe to say our little girl has entered the Terrible Twos. Don't get me wrong, she's still a love with lots of hugs and kisses for Mommy and Daddy, but goodness almighty - the tantrums. The tantrums.

Elena - "Shirt ON, Mama."
Mommy - "OK, let's put your shirt on."
Elena - "NO Shirt. Pants."
Mommy - "You want these pants?"
Elena - "Yeah..... NOOOOOOOOOO. Paint."
Mommy - "We can paint in a few minutes (and then we do)."
Elena- "NOOOOOO. Shirt ON."

Screams, whining and an arched back accompany this typical type of exchange at all times. Who has a glass of wine for Mommy?

Regardless, she's a sweet little girl most of the time and as we prepare for her 2nd birthday next week (complete with her very own piggy-themed party), we are filled with more love for her than ever. The years are going fast, but we love every minute (am I awful to say except for the tantrums?? :)).

Thursday, September 13, 2007

At the Carwash, Baaaby!

Washing the car by hand, I'll admit, isn't very common around here, but it'll just have to become fashionable again because Elena is geared up and a very BIG helper. So much in fact, that she and Mommy will be washing the (SO mommy car) Pilot on Saturday.

We continue to work on 'colors' with Elena and she's catching on slowly. Very slowly. Purple is mastered, but all other colors are simply red or blue to her. We'll get there.

Elena is also getting very demanding and a little contrary with "NO" being the operative word in most sentences. We're starting time-outs (the naughty seat) a little more lately and plan to read (ASAP) about the right way to handle discipline, as we're not totally sure we're doing it right.

She remains the love of our lives. I just wish I could bottle her sweetness (and mmmm.... 'cookie-toast' smell). We love you, Lalala...

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Big girl!

Elena is as sweet as they come and every day, she does something new that melts us. We're closing in on her 2nd birthday and she still loves to cuddle, give kisses and hugs and lately, check to make sure her babies, woof and kitty haven't 'poo-pooed.'

She says, "thank you and please" almost always (In fact she says it more than most adults) and the other day when Ryan sneezed, she promptly said, "Bless you, my dada."

She loves her grandmas and grandpas A LOT and has really taken to a stuffed, walking/talking/oinking pig that her great-grandma Ann got her during a recent visit. So much, in fact, that her birthday party is now piggy-themed. She asks for that %*$:) pig the second we get in the car or home. It makes her very happy, though we find ourselves wanting to hide it sometimes.

She is our little Lala and she just keeps getting better.