The lives of all people Grohs are just as crazy as ever and blogging is getting increasingly difficult for Mommy. But I am determined to keep the goings-on and mutterings of these kids in writing, so you'll find more happy times pictured. I would like to find a way to link my Facebook postings to my blogging, as I think the weekly postings illustrate the days and times of us the best.
As Elena wrapped up her Kindgergarten year and Michael turned three (post of this to follow), I'll say it again...time is not on our side. These fantastic kids grow so quickly.
A few lovely memories include a lot of Michael:
1) Our nightly routines - Michael asking every night "Can I go in yo' bed?" and I say, "After...." to which he chimes in, "I go in my bed."
2) Michael seeing his newborn self pictures and commenting that he was covered in ketchup.
3) Michael's caring three-year old self always calling me, "Da sweetest Mommy."
4) Or Elena's love of the English language... "I 'miss-ded' you, Mom."
and 5) Elena commenting that she wants to be exactly like Mom. And Dad when she grows up.
Thank you God.