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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

We wish you a Merry Christmas

I think this will have to wrap up my entries for 2007, as the holiday is nearing and Mommy is a busy little elf. Elena's favorite things about Christmas include:

  • Tiny snowmen ("tiny like me," she says.);

  • Cookies;

  • Lights;

  • Piggy pants (warm jammies); and

  • J Bells.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Rockin' around the Christmas tree

The Harper-Grohs house is all a-buzz with the holiday spirit. Elena is either singing "J Bells" or "Bippity Boppity Boo" at any given time (and though it has nothing to do with Christmas, have I mentioned her obsession with Cinderella? Hence the Bippity Boppity Boo).

We decorated our tree today and Elena's favorite parts included the hot chocolate, removing the ornaments from the branches or playing with my old nativity scene and baby Jesus ("Jay-zus"). She put him in his manger several times so he could sleep. Mama Mary held him first to tell him, "ni-night."

I'm not sure it gets much sweeter than that.

Monday, December 3, 2007

It's Christmas time in the city....

Or in EDH, I guess we're in the country.

Elena is full of Christmas cheer. She gets a little of it, but mostly she loves the commotion around her. The lights, the trees, the wrapping of gifts. Every night we go outside to look at the lights on all the houses. She looks for the moon to say "ni-night, moon" and we go inside to read her a goodnight story. After a little milk, it's lights out for Lala. She is the sweetest she's ever been and a bigger handful than I can explain.
Mommy's days are very full. They are full of Lala and kisses; whining and dramatic cries over nothing; sweetness with hugs and; fits of anger over things that we've done wrong (i.e. not putting her pretty shoes on IMMEDIATELY, not understanding that we MUST drink the pretend shake she's made us, or not sitting with her to color at the art table). She's certainly got a little sass in her.

She remains as loved as any child has ever been.

It's Christmas and I've never been so happy that it is.

And here's to Sr. Celine who died this weekend. I'll remember you always. Chocolate and potato chips, my friend. Thank you for laying the groundwork.